Thursday, April 21, 2016

Some planting in Pots

So I had a few minutes this morning and I'm posting this quickly so I don't forget what I did!

I am trying to use up old seed .. it may germinate, it may not, but I'll try.

By our front door we just placed two half barrel pots.  I had filled them with soil on Sunday but hadn't planted anything in them.  Today I put two seeds in each of them of Red Kabocha Squash from some squash I got in the farm share last year.  I then surrounded them with Red Poppy seeds and some Baby's Breath seeds. both of which are very old seeds .. maybe as much as 10+ years old. So the chances of them growing are slim, but I'll give them a shot. If they don't grow, I can always buy some annuals to put around the squash plants.

I also planted 4 seeds of Jarrahdale Pumpkin in the pot that we moved to the side of the garage (still the fron tof the house .. this is the area that I worked in trimming bushes on Sunday .. still need to clean up the rocks, but overall this small area is ready for summer.  Around the pumpkin seeds I put some gomphrena seed that is 14 years old.

In the backyard, we also have a large pot, and I planted some pumpkin on a stick (ornamental eggplant that looks like little pumpkins) and some dipper gourds along with some cypress vine.  I also put some of the pumpkin on a stick in a short purple pot .. just to use up the seeds.  We'll see how it goes.

I have pictures of the seed packets ..

So we'll see.  I am trying to use up seed that is old so that I don't have so much downstairs. No sense keeping it any longer, either grow it or toss it right?  So I'm trying to grow it.

What have you planted ?

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